Deborah Kelly | Collage Masterclass

Deborah Kelly workshop RMOA_web banner.jpg
Explore the art of paper collage and learn the practices of cutting and composition with Deborah Kelly, exhibiting artist in Between the Details: Video Art from the ACMI Collection.  
During this full day workshop, participants will learn to play purposefully with pictures and develop a range of technical skills to create original works that make the old new again. Delivered with technical demonstrations, discussion and storytelling, Kelly will guide participants to re-imagine and deconstruct the past in playful and poignant ways. This workshop will help you turn discarded imagery into treasure with bold and beautiful rescues, resistances, and reinterpretations.


Participants are welcome to bring vintage reference books/art books/journals with images to cut up - those with matte paper are perfect. Damaged or black and white images are fine. Please note though that thin or shiny paper is hard to use, so please choose carefully.


All other materials provided including vintage imagery from Kelly’s personal archive.


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Creative Victoria. ACMI. Low res.png


Deborah Kelly, The Gods of Tiny Things, 2019 (video still). Courtesy the artist. 



  • Sunday, 22 September 2024 | 09:30 AM - 03:30 PM