Next date: Wednesday, 14 May 2025 | 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Darumbal Storytime is now available for learners of all ages!
We are excited to expand this interactive and engaging program to include primary and secondary students. Learn about Darumbal living culture and oral history through story, song, dance and creative expression! Sessions are tailored to the age of participants attending.
Darumbal Storytime is facilitated by Darumbal teachers, Elders and cultural leaders who share knowledge and understanding of First Nations culture through Darumbal language.
2025 sessions
2025 Darumbal Storytime sessions are supported by the RMOA x Haymans Bus Bursary. Apply now.
About the Artist Educator
"The Darumbal language is over thousands of years old, it has been passed down from generation to generation and will continue to do so. Language is the heart of our identity and without it we would be lost." - DPAC RNTBC
Darumbal Language Lessons are facilitated by Darumbal people or Representative from Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body (DPAC RNTBC) on behalf of the Darumbal People.
$140.00 per session - Supported by RMOA x Haymans bus bursary