Next date: Tuesday, 04 February 2025 | 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Artynoons is a new fun-filled after school art club at RMOA for young artists aged 7-11 years!
Over eight weeks, Artist Educator Felicity Trathen will guide participants through a range of different artistic media and techniques. Artynoons is facilitated as an eight week course. Some projects will be finished in a single session, and others will run over multiple dates.
Artynoons encourages young people to:
Parents and carers are welcome to stay and join in, or can drop their young artist off and collect them afterwards.
About Felicity Trathen
Felicity Trathen is a First Nations Australian whose mob comes from Gurung Gurung Country. She is an emerging artist and experimenter of art who enjoys working with a variety of mediums including painting, clay and printmaking. One of her main creative passions is landscape painting with a focus on Australian landscapes.
Felicity has previously worked as a First Nations Arts Assistant at RMOA, and has facilitated workshops for children and provided artist demonstrations at Rockhampton Riverfestival in 2023 and 2024.
She is currently working on building her artistic business and growing opportunities to facilitate art workshops.
$150 | members $135