Ken Done: Poems from Home and Other Paintings Audio Guide

Hear from artist Ken Done as you wander through the Ken Done Poems from Home and Other Paintings exhibition.
To listen, press play on the player below or find the Rockhampton Museum of Art podcast 'Behind the Art' on your music streaming or podcast app of choice.


Walking through the Cabin garden IX: Two morning glories

Walking through the cabin garden IX, two morning glories, 1993-_LOW.jpg

Image: Ken Done Walking through the Cabin garden IX: Two morning glories 1993, acrylic on canvas, 240 x 225 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

Yesterday's smile

Yesterday's smile, 2020-_LOW.jpg
Ken Done Yesterday's smile 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

Pink frangipani I

Pink frangipani I, 2020-_LOW.jpg
Ken Done Pink frangipani I 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

A boyhood dream

A boyhood dream, 2020-_LOW.jpg

Image: Ken Done A boyhood dream 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

Mother magpie

Mother magpie, 2020-_LOW.jpg

Ken Done Mother magpie 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

Ice block

Ice block, 2020-_LOW.jpg

Ken Done Ice block 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

The circus

The circus, 2020-_LOW.jpg

Ken Done The circus 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.


Spade, 2020-_LOW.jpg

Ken Done Spade 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.

Beautiful afternoon

Beautiful afternoon, 2020-_LOW.jpg

Ken Done Beautiful afternoon 2020, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56 cm. Courtesy of The Ken Done Gallery.